u003cpu003eHUMOUR AND COMEDYu003c/pu003e u003cpu003e u003c/pu003e u003cpu003eClaudio is in love with Hero, but is afraid that she will reject him. His friend, Don Pedro, volunteers to make her fall in love with him at a masked ball. The trick works and Hero agrees to marry Claudio. But Don Pedros brother, Don John, organises a plot to make Claudio think that Hero is unfaithful u003c/pu003e u003cpu003e u003c/pu003e u003cpu003e u003c/pu003e u003cpu003eDossiers:u003c/pu003e u003cpu003eTragic and Comic Elements inu003c/pu003e u003cpu003eMuch ado About Nothing, Womenu003c/pu003e u003cpu003ein Shakespeares Comediesu003c/pu003e