Volume that gathers together the entire work of the widely recognized Chilean poet, considered as the heir of the literary avant-gardes of the 20th century. The volume includes The Misery of Men (La miseria del hombre 1948), Against Death (Contra la muerte 1964), Dark (Oscuro 1977), Banishment (Transtierro 1979), From the Lightning (Del relmpago 1981), 50 Poems (50 poemas 1982), Lights (El alumbrado 1986), Personal Anthology (Antologa personal 1988), Testament Matter (Materia de testament 1988), Anthology of Air (Antologa de aire 1991), Free Reader (Desocupado lector1990), Beautiful (Las hermosas 1991), Buzzing (Zumbido 1991), Dark River (Ro turbio 1996), and America Is Home and Other Poems (Amrica es la casa y otros poemas 1998).